This September, bow hunting season begins for the most popular game species in all of North Carolina: white-tailed deer. For hunters relying on archery during deer season, utilize these three tips for a successful hunt:
During the weeks leading up to opening day, plan ahead to avoid being on your hunting property. As other hunters prepare for the season, the deer will become spooked and naturally migrate onto your land.
Once opening day comes around, take advantage of it as soon as possible. During the early season, there is a window where deer are slightly less wary of hunters than they will become later on. This is when you are most likely to find success.
Once hunting season begins, move slowly and carefully to avoid spooking deer, especially as bow hunting requires a smaller range in distance to the game you’re after.
Should you be successful in taking home the trophy of a lifetime, bring it here to Tim Knight’s Taxidermy so we can help you preserve the moment for years to come!