With places like the Pamlico and Albemarle sound, duck hunting in North Carolina this time of year can be extremely rewarding. You can expect to find plenty of Redheads, Bluebills, Pintails, Black Ducks, and more. Here are three things to remember before you go duck hunting this month.
Don’t Forget Swamps & Marshes. While there are lots of waterfowl around the sound, wood ducks still prefer to be in the swamps, marshes, and any other forested wetlands. Wood ducks typically start their day about half an hour before sunrise and another half an hour after sunset.
Look For Oaks. Headed to the marsh and swamps to try and duck hunt? You can find species such as Mallards, Black Ducks, and Widgeons in the swamps. Try finding spots near oak trees. During the winter, ducks feed on acorns.
Find Open or Flowing Water. Late-season duck hunting typically means that ducks are searching for more open water for a better chance of finding food. This time of year is tricky since there is usually a chance for ponds and swamps to freeze over. If the swamps and lakes are frozen, look for small streams or flowing rivers for a better chance of catching your harvest.
Are you planning on going duck hunting this year? At Tim Knight Taxidermy, we will help you remember your harvest for a lifetime! Contact us today at 919-291-6506 to get started!