Beginner’s Guide to Hog Hunting In North Carolina

Did you know that in North Carolina, feral hogs are considered an invasive species? This is due to their aggressive and destructive nature. Hunting wild hogs is considered to be a dangerous and risky sport even for seasoned hunters. Here are three things to know when hunting feral hogs. 

1. Poor Eyesight. One thing about feral hogs is that they have poor eyesight. You can take advantage of this by hunting in low light so that you have a better chance at catching one. Feral hogs have an extremely strong sense of hearing and smell so just be sure that you keep a good enough distance. 

2. Hunt During the Early Evening. Because of their poor eyesight, feral hogs are most active during the day which means they start to settle down by the evening. You will have the most luck trying to hunt for them when they are trying to find or eat dinner. 

3. Watch Out for Aggression. If you’re planning on hunting feral hogs, it’s important to remember that they can be extremely aggressive and territorial. If they feel threatened, they have the tendency to charge and use their razor-sharp tusks to defend themselves. 

Being able to bring home a dangerous animal like a feral hog is impressive. Let Knight’s Taxidermy help you admire it for a lifetime. Give us a call today at 919-291-6506 to get started!