How To Kill a Buck In Late November

Many hunters have been led to believe that if you haven’t killed a buck by early November, your chances have passed. This is far from the truth though. In fact, late November offers plenty of opportunities to harvest a mature buck. While the number of doe may decrease, the bucks are out searching for a willing female. This can cause an increase in the amount of buck wandering around, similar to what you may have seen earlier in the season. 

A great way to be successful during this time is to simply go where there haven’t been many hunters during the season. Deer begin to congregate away from areas that become common for hunters. If you know of a hard-to-reach patch or have an area you have been keeping restricted, this may be the perfect time to utilize those patches of land.

If you can get in a tree and sit all day, take advantage of it. Even though early November has passed and new struggles are created in the latter half, if you keep at it, goodwill eventually comes. Anything can happen in a rut, and there are plenty of great opportunities to harvest a buck in late November.

Are you planning on going hunting this season? Let us help you remember your trip for a lifetime. Bring your deer to Knight’s Taxidermy to turn your hard work and patience into a lifelong trophy. 
