4 Things You Should Know About Field Dressing

In case you are new to hunting, field dressing is the process of caring for and preparing your freshly harvested animal to bring to a taxidermist. It’s important that you know how to handle your harvest to keep it intact for taxidermy. Check out these 4 tips on Field Dressing. 

1. Be gentle working with your carcass. It’s easy to damage your game. Make sure to always handle the carcass gently to help keep it intact as much as possible. Damaging the game may mean your trophy will not look as good as it should. Depending on what you’re hunting, every animal requires different field dressing work. If you’re stuck on the correct method for your trophy, contact Tim Knight taxidermy at 919-291-6506 for any questions you may have!

2. Always be safe. Don’t forget about safety in the rush of excitement. When handling animals, make sure you wear gloves to avoid contracting infectious diseases. Remember to wash your hands after working with your game.  

3. Keep your game cool. Bacteria starts to grow as soon as the animal expires. Your carcass will need to be stored in cool storage so that it doesn’t become unusable for your taxidermist. Make sure that you bring ice so you can keep your harvest fresh. 

4. Call Knight’s Taxidermy. If you are uncertain how to skin or care for your trophy, call Tim at Knight’s Taxidermy at (919) 291-6506 for assistance with directions and support! For a fee, I will meet up with you and help you skin your animal. 

Are you planning on going hunting soon? Bring your game to Knight’s Taxidermy so that we can bring your trophy to life for you to admire for a lifetime. 

Source: https://naturesdesigntaxidermy.com/2019/02/what-you-need-to-know-about-field-prep/